dinsdag 30 oktober 2007

Legolas Job

Next week my youngest son Job will hav his birthday.

He will be 11 . In my language the word for 11 and for elf are the same.

Job is also a big fan of the Lord of the Ring movies and games.

That's why he wanted to have an elf on the invitation-card. He liked me to draw him like Legolas.

This is what I made for him.

dinsdag 23 oktober 2007


This week I made cartoons about losing weigth.
These cartoons were ordered by a personal coach who helps people to lose weight to put on the website.

woensdag 17 oktober 2007

caricature of politician Tichelaar

Yesterday I made 'live'a caricature of Jacques Tichelaar. He is a Dutch politician ( PvdA social democrat)and he was talking to people in the "political-café". He has his heart on the right place I think. The way he speaks about the way things, money must be devided. In the audience were many people who didn't like his opinion, because the are company-owners etc.
This is an evening which is organized every mounth. Tichelaar was very pleased with his picture and said he would hang it in his room at the gouvernement building. Mayby is this for me a start of a 'political' career!

dinsdag 16 oktober 2007

caricature of me by Dan Springer

many caricatures were made of me during the NCN convention in Reno. Thanks everyone who 'did'me. I didn't get a Kage,Bluhm, Jones or Ferguson, but I did get a Springer. I think this is a great one. Such a creative solution to my face to glue the nose to the chin.Dan Springer thank you again.

As a Dutch-man I have a lot of vandeWiels . This is one she did of me at the minicon in The Netherlands.Coming january will be another minicon in Oosterbeek,Nederland. I hope many people I met in Reno will come.

Another great caricature is one of silhouette artiste Jeanet Willems made of me. Jeannet use to make realistic silhouettes, but here she made many carica-silhouettes

maandag 15 oktober 2007

first gigs after Reno

Last weekend I had my first two gigs after Reno.

On one side I am very much inspired by the work of all the collegues I have seen there. On the other side I realized that I first had to do the job as I allways do and than in a later stadium add things I've seen into my work and act. That feld a little strange.

I am so much inspired by the work Joe Bluhm had put into his book "Rejects". The way he draws 'live' baby's and children I can learn from. He gives them a caracter.

This weekend during an opening of a new Hypotheker ( a house broker company) I did this baby.

This is another babe

vrijdag 12 oktober 2007

Good moment to start a blog

It was about time that I started a blog and showing people more about my activity as a caricature artist, but also personal items like music i like, holiday's etc.

Last week i was one of the caricturists joining the annual NCN ( National caricaturist Network) Convention in Reno (NV) 30th sept - 5 oct 2007.

I had a great time. More than 100 other great artist together in one big room. I "meet"many caricaturists allmost every day in a forum on the internet, but seeing most of them "live" was even better. We made caricatures of each other for 4 days and nigths.

"This is the most inspiring week of the year " Mike Giblin from England says, and I think he's right.

Now my head is still full with all the impressions. I think the influence of this week will come back in my own work in the end.

Seeing your collegues work gives you very much inspiration.

Because of a contract I allreaddy had in the weekend I arrived at the end of the first day. I missed the likeness competition and Dion's story about caricatures. ( I will show some photo's of this trade show later).

Here is a caricature of Eve I made this week.

My Dutch collegue Marion won the Bronze Nosey. That's great! I am so very proud of her.
All people loved her caricatures. Big kiss to you Marion.

My hero of the week was Kage from Japan. The work on his wall was really great. And I wasn't the only person thinking this way. Kage won the first prize The Golden Nosey