donderdag 26 juni 2008

working on a party-train.

One of the strangest environments I worked as a caricature-artist I was some days ago.
It was on a train. A party train. A group of a company makes a round trip on a train during a day and evening and haves a lot of fun. Drinking cocktails eating nice food.

The train did a traject between Baarn - Den Bosch - Haarlem - Baarn.

In Den Bosch the group was having a siteseeing and shopping day. But the most op the group weren't shopping but went to a terras drinking. So when they came back in the train they were all very happy of the drinks. Together with the cocktails served in the train. A lot of them Had a little to much. In Haarlem the group had to get out the train to see a performance of a singer.

For me it was a very heavy job. The shaking of the train, the guests who drunk a little to much and the space in the train which is very small.

I did survive it and now I look back to a strange , but funny experience.

de toekomst

Last week I had a job drawing caricatures during a sailing trip. The ship is a zeetjalk as they call it in Dutch . The name of this ship was de Toekomst ( the future)It's 27,5 meter long and 5,60 wide and can have groups up to 60 persons.

This day a group of 50 persons were having a day trip from Enkhuizen to Urk and back.

We were really sailing during the whole trip on the IJsselmeer. That's a big lake now, but it was a sea. The Dutch made a big dike and won land from the sea. The destination Urk used to be an island. It's now part of the new land. We had a pleasant day. There was a strong wind, so i had to draw in an angle of 45. On the one side I saw water, on the other side the air. That was a strange experience.

Here are some more photo's.

maandag 16 juni 2008

Tjeerd Bomhof of the Duttch Band Voicst

One of the best bands in the netherlands is Voicst. Check their music. the last edition of PINKPOP, that's one of the biggest rock/pop festivals in the Netherlans they gave a great performance.Their last cd cover and a photo of the singer Tjeerd Bomhof in a music magazine inspired me to make this caricature.

donderdag 5 juni 2008

recent live work april - may 2008

Sjaak Lucassen motor globe totter

Some weeks ago I was invited to go to a lecture of Sjaak Lucassen.
He is a motor driver who has globe trotting on a motorbike as his profession.
On a Yamaha YZF R1 he travelled round the world in 5 years and 5 months .
This motor is a race motor.
Not the first motor you think about when you want to travel the world.
But Sjaak went everywhere , Africa, Asia , South and north America.
The whole trip was 250.000 km. You can read about it in his site
(There’s an English version too.)
During this tour he wrote his travel-story for many motor magazines.
Now back home in the Netherlands he tells his story with a PowerPoint presentation to make money for his next world tour. With photo’s and video’s and a lot of humour Sjaak entertains the audience.
During this presentation I made a caricature of him.
It was my present to Sjaak to tell him he’s doing a great job and to thank him for his story.
After his presentation I found out that my Dutch colleague Thijz joined him for the last part from France to the Netherlands. He also made a caricature of Sjaak.

woensdag 14 mei 2008

Job in Rome

During the holiday I made this watercolor of our son Job. He likes the romans culture a lot. So that's why he's dressed as a roman general.

dinsdag 13 mei 2008

kader abdolah

During a holiday trip to Amalfi Italy I had the time to do some watercolor paintings.

This one is from the writer Kader Abdolah who wrote his version of the koran.

new caricatures

These are some caricatures done for the NCN forum. Every month there's a new challenge.
The first one I already posted Boris Jeltsin.
The Matt Damon was for April and Marilin Manson was for May.

zaterdag 23 februari 2008

Dalai Lama

This one is older than the Boris serie. I made this one at the end of january.
I intend to make a serie of caricatures in watercolor of all kind of persons. Politicians, rockstars,actors etc. and hope to get better and better with this technique.


In the februari there was a drawing challenge on the NCN forum of carcaturists. All member carciaturists were asked to make a ( non digital) drawing of the former Russian president Boris Jeltsin. Ther are great caricatures send in by the many participators.

Because I am lately busy for fun with watercolor paint I decided to do this challenge with this technique.

The first one I wasn't completely happy with the likeness. The second the likeness is there. And the thirth carcature I made because I didn't like the very blue background color and I wanted to make on from another angle. I am happy with the results sofar. Of course now I see the things that can be done better the next time. But that's allways .... your best work is the one you haven't made yet,but will make in future.

maandag 7 januari 2008

CU 2008 Oosterbeek

Last week I joined the caricaturist convention. 3 days in a hotel in Oosterbeek Netherlands with 22 collegues from all parts of the world. Belgium, Netherlands, UK, Scotland, USA, Japan, Iran.

We had a great time drawing each other. Learning from each other.It was such fun. I even won one of the competitions. Best cartoon style caricature. I must say there were not many cartoons, but still I am very proud to win the wacom bamboo. There were so many diffirent styles and techniques to see.

I am satisfied with the serie I produced these days.

We were drawing day and night. It gives a great creative boost. After 3 day the working room is full of drawing material. The walls hung with great caricatures.Every artist uses her/his own style and technique. Some worke in black and white, others in colour. All kind of pencils, markers,paint. Also digital caricatures were made during these days. We went to the local pub to make caricatures of the public. Had a lot of fun doing a drawing game. So 3 day working, eating, drinking together is a great event to start the year.

This is the cartoon I won the prize with. Mike told us after a day work and an evening drinking about his relationship with sheep. That night I was dreaming about where that can lead to and made a cartoon of it the next morning.

Mick Hollinworth won a lot of prizes. He made some great caricatures. He told everybody that he was a coalminer and did many jobs before he became carictusist. He is my working class hero of this convention. Check his website

The most I was impressed by the work of Emi from Japan. She made great illustrative caricatures. Every carcature she gave another atmosphere with a lot of humor. She did one of me with my hair looks like the wings of a bird of prey. Here she makes the prize winning caricature. Congratulations Emi!